“A Muslimah’s Guide to Living a Blissful Life” by Sayyidah Khairun Nisaa (rahimahallah) #9

Mothers would teach their daughters to deal with even the most difficult of challenges that related to maintaining hayaa (shame and modesty) in both an easy and pleasant manner, so that when these challenges did surface, the young girls did not find any difficulty in dealing with the situation.

Mothers would not allow their daughters to engage in anything that was against Deen and the sharee‘ah. Similarly, they would not allow them to read any literature besides the Quraan Majeed, hadeeth shareef and other kitaabs of Deen. In this regard, they would tell their daughters quite clearly, “To spend your time in (idle) things besides these (things of Deen) is an act of futility and is a waste.”

They would stress the importance of salaah and fasting on their daughters and would create the eagerness in them to recite the various forms of zikr and engage in du‘aa. They ensured that their daughters possessed all the kitaabs that related to various aspects of Deen. Hence, they would not carry out such actions or behave in such a manner that was contrary to Deen.

If acquiring the knowledge of Deen had not been in vogue at that time, then qualities such as piety, commitment to Deen and understanding the truth would not have been common among people. Let alone women, in those days, even the men would only show importance and undergo difficulties to learn those things that would be of benefit to them. As a result (of equipping themselves with only beneficial knowledge), when they planned something and worked to achieve it then they would be successful in their effort and would achieve their goals. Hence, they would pass their lives with ease and comfort (as they were proficient and capable at achieving what they needed to) and would not have fear or worry regarding anything.

The truth be told, children were obedient to their parents in those days, and this was solely on account of the upbringing that their parents gave them. To phrase it differently, the obedience of the children was the positive outcome of the parents’ good actions.