Muhammad As-Sameen (rahimahullah) was a sufi shaikh of Baghdad, from whom the great luminary, Junaid Baghdadi (rahimahullah) had also benefitted.
On one occasion, he joined the Muslim army to fight against the Romans. When the Roman army drew closer, the Muslims were overcome with fear due to the large army that stood before them.
Muhammad (rahimahullah) noticed that he was also affected by this fear of the Romans. Hence, he began rebuking himself saying; “O liar! Where is the passion (for going out in jihaad) that you claimed to have? Now when you have the opportunity that you were desirous off, you have changed and become anxious.”
While reprimanding himself it occurred to him that he should go to the river and take a bath. He thus removed his clothing, put on a lower garment and entered the river. Whilst taking a bath, he felt a high surge of conviction and determination running through him, and fear and anxiousness departing from him. Moving on the strength of that determination, he emerged from the river, donning his clothing, picking up his weapons, and then joined the battle lines of the Muslim army.
Spirited with this new determination of his, he began crossing through the lines of the Muslim army until he remarkably started crossing through the ranks of the Roman army as well. When he reached the rear of the enemy, he called out the takbeer, “Allahu Akbar!”
Allah Ta‘ala put such an effect in this takbeer that the Romans thought that an entire cavalry was behind them in ambush, and thus turned around. The Muslim army took advantage of this opportunity and launched an attack on the Romans. Through the blessings of this one takbeer, approximately four thousand Romans were killed and the Muslim army was victorious.
(Hilyatul Awliyaa vol. 8, pg. 400 and Al-Muntazam vol. 12, pg. 170)
1. The nature of a person’s nafs (carnal self) is such that it persistently commands him towards wrong and evil. However, fortunate is that person who reproaches himself and does not give in to these demands. Understanding this reality of the nafs, Muhammad As-Sameen (rahimahullah) began rebuking and reprimanding himself as soon as he started having doubts and fears. Through the blessings of this, eventually the Romans were defeated and the Muslim army was victorious.
2. When a person’s mind is fully focused on Allah Ta‘ala, and his heart is completely connected to Him, Allah Ta‘ala blesses him with a special type of conviction and determination, due to which he is able to carry out such heroic feats that may seem impossible for others.