Every morning little Ahmad woke up to the sound of his father preparing for another long day at work. He watched as his father left early, dedicating himself to his shop, and returned home exhausted each evening. Despite their evening playtime, Ahmad yearned for his father’s presence throughout the day. He would ask, “Abi, why must you go today?” His father would reply, “Son, I’d love to play with you, but I must go.”

As Ahmad grew older, he began to understand the toll his father’s hard work took. He felt a deep sense of empathy for his father, who rose every morning without fail. One evening, Ahmad approached his father with a hug and asked, “Abi, why do you work so hard? Why don’t you get holidays like me? Why do you have to leave your cosy bed for that busy shop?”

This time, his father shared a different response. He showed Ahmad a stunning home on his phone, with spacious rooms, a magnificent pool, and a vast exotic garden. Ahmad’s eyes widened as he delightfully glared at it. His father asked, “Would you like to live in a home like this?” Ahmad eagerly replied, “Yesss! I’d love a big room for all my toys, a lovely garden to play soccer, and a pool to swim in!”

His father explained, “Ahmad, I work hard every day so that one day we can own a home like this. I’ll retire, and then I’ll have all the time to devote to you.” Though Ahmad still felt sorry for his father, he now grasped the purpose behind his tireless efforts. He realized what drove his father’s motivation and understood the sacrifices he made for their future since he understands the value of the home he is working towards.

When a person has a clear understanding of his life’s purpose and keeps it forefront in his mind, he will be empowered to overcome any obstacle that comes his way with ease and determination. In the story of little Ahmad’s father, his unwavering motivation stemmed from his comprehension of the value of his goal – providing a comfortable home for his family. Further, when little Ahmad understood what his father was working towards, he also realized the need for his father’s toil.

Similarly, as believers, our ultimate objective is to attain Jannah, as Allah Ta‘ala reminds us in the Quraan Majeed, “Whoever is saved from the Fire (of Jahannam) and admitted to Jannah, has indeed achieved true success.” (Surah Aal ‘Imraan v185)

By grasping the significance of our eternal abode and keeping it constantly in our sight, we will find it easier to adhere to the commandments of Allah Ta‘ala despite the challenges we may encounter. We will no longer struggle to wake up for fajr, lower our gaze, or refrain from impermissible activities. Instead, fulfilling Allah Ta‘ala’s commandments will become an intrinsic part of our nature, a habitual aspect of our lives, and in fact a source of great ecstasy and comfort. For this very reason, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) would time and again turn the gaze of the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) towards Jannah as is seen throughout his blessed life. They were thus able to sacrifice their lives and all their wealth for the sake of Deen.