Imagine a bride who, on her wedding day, is wearing her tattered nightgown and her shabby bathroom slippers. Her teeth are unbrushed and her hair is unkempt. In fact, she hasn’t even had a bath! Neither has she beautified herself in any way for the occasion, nor has she made any other preparation. However, she has a sparkly 2-carat diamond ring on her finger. She prides herself on this ring, complacent and content, naively relying on the beauty of the ring to make her husband overlook her lack of preparation and view her favourably.
If any sane person has to encounter this woman, what will they think? Obviously, they will regard her to be utterly foolish or even mentally unstable! After all, a wedding is the one occasion when a woman will do her utmost to beautify and adorn herself, attempting to captivate the heart of her husband. Normally, on this occasion, a woman will beautify EVERYTHING possible. Manicures, pedicures, facials, hair treatments and make-up sessions are just a few of the procedures she undergoes in the effort to present herself in the best possible light on this eventful day. NOTHING is overlooked, not even her eyelashes!
If we consider the bride described above as too unbelievable to actually exist, then how ironic indeed that many people are even more ‘unbelievable’ than even this bride…
The day when we meet Allah Ta‘ala is meant to be the most joyous day of all – even more joyous than a wedding – as Allah Ta‘ala is the Most Beloved of all. Hence, if a bride makes such extensive preparations for her wedding day, how much more preparation should we not make for our meeting with Allah Ta‘ala?
Sadly, many of us fail to make the required preparations – or any preparations at all. Just as the bride, in the example above, deceived herself into thinking that the diamond ring would be sufficient to secure her husband’s favour and win his heart, many of us suffice on one or two aspects of Deen, thinking that they will surely ‘see us through’, while neglecting the remaining aspects of Deen.
Consider these remarks, casually uttered by many: “I may not read all my salaah, but at least my heart is clean!”, “I may intermingle and communicate casually with men, but at least I don’t listen to music!”, “I may gossip and backbite, but at least I give charity!” etc. etc. etc.
This type of statement betrays a mindset of selective submission. In other words, we follow the injunctions of Deen that suit us, while neglecting the remaining injunctions. Thereafter, instead of acknowledging our fault and weakness and feeling bad about it, we attempt to justify it (with the ‘buts’). If any person tries to correct us, we become indignant and defensive, asking them, “Who are you to judge me?” In reality, it is as though we are insisting that we ‘deserve’ Jannah based on one good quality in our lives – even though the other aspects in our lives are in direct contravention to the orders of Allah Ta‘ala. This is the very same entitlement attitude we often complain of in others, where despite not working or making an effort, they feel that they ‘deserve’ everything.
Remember, just as 10c does not constitute R1, a few good actions do not constitute Deen. When Deen is the price of Jannah, we will require the complete Deen to acquire our ‘ticket’.