A man was once brought before the qaadhi (judge) where an accusation was made against him. To substantiate the claim, the plaintiff (person laying the charge) produced a witness.

On seeing the witness, the defendant (accused) immediately objected saying, “O qaadhi! You cannot accept the testimony of this man!” When the judge enquired the reason, he said, “Despite having twenty thousand dirhams, he has not fulfilled the obligation of hajj. Hence, he is not a person whose testimony can be relied upon.”

The witness immediately responded, “You are lying! I have indeed performed hajj!” The defendant turned to the qaadhi and suggested, “To determine whether he really has performed hajj or not, ask him to describe the well of zam-zam.”

Faced with this question, the witness hastily replied, “I went for hajj a long time ago, before they dug the well of zam-zam!”

(Akhbaarul Hamqaa wal Mughaffaleen pg. 154)