Ramadhaan is the month to capitalize and gain, as Allah Ta‘ala offers us tremendous ‘bargains’. When the month of Ramadhaan arrives, people initially tend to be ‘charged’ and ‘motivated’. After a few days though, they relax and think, “There’s more than enough time left! I can read Quraan later on! I can repent later on!” 

Worsening the situation are the distractions such as social media, WhatsApp, etc. which not only destroy our time but sometimes even draw us into severe sins such as gheebah (backbiting). For some people, the entire month passes in negligence. Eventually, when the month comes to an end, we realize that we achieved very little or nothing at all! 

In order to make this Ramadhaan count and to derive maximum benefit from it, we have to learn to safeguard our time and use it wisely and productively. If we learn the lesson of making every second count in the month of Ramadhaan, there will be hope of us using our time wisely out of Ramadhaan as well.