Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal (rahimahullah) is a personality who requires no introduction, as his piety is proverbial and his high position in Deen is well known by one and all.
It is mentioned that when Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal (rahimahullah) was on his deathbed, he would fall unconscious for some time, after which he would regain consciousness. On regaining consciousness, he would gesture with his hand and exclaim, “Not yet! Not yet!”
When this transpired three times, his son, ‘Abdullah (rahimahullah), addressed him and asked, “O my father! What is this that you are repeatedly doing at this (critical) moment?”
Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah) responded, “O my son, do you not know?” When his son replied in the negative, Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah) explained, “Iblees – may the curse of Allah befall him! – was standing beside me, biting his fingertips and exclaiming, ‘O Ahmad! You have escaped me!’ and so I was replying, ‘Not yet, until I have passed away! (i.e. I have not yet escaped you and secured salvation until I leave this world with imaan.)” (Hilyatul Awliyaa vol. 7, pg. 321)
This incident clearly highlights that Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah), despite his piety and high position in Deen, remained fearful of his imaan and Deen until his last breath. At no point was he complacent and confident. He never took his imaan and Deen for granted, as he understood that it is only when a person has left this world with his imaan and Deen intact that he is safe and successful. Until then, he must remain vigilant and on guard at all times.
In the very same way, during the holiday season, a Muslim must remain constantly vigilant and must continuously protect his Deen and imaan. During this season, when the disbelievers are out in full force, merrymaking, partying and celebrating, then the sins, evils and wrongs, such as alcohol, drugs, music, dancing, zina, nudity and shamelessness, intermingling of strange men and women, etc. are all found in every place to a much higher degree than at other times.
In the blessed hadeeth Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) taught the Ummah that during times of fitnahs (imaani challenges), one of the very important steps that a believer should take in order to safeguard his Deen and imaan, is to remain in the safety of the home. (Sunan Tirmizi #2406)
In particular, we must ensure that we avoid the places which the non-Muslims go to during the holidays, such as holiday resorts, beaches, shopping malls, amusement parks, fairs and festivals and other similar places. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) has warned the Ummah that the one who adds to the number of a people will be counted among them (in the sight of Allah Ta‘ala). (Ithaaful Khiyaratil Maharah #3297)
Hence, by being present among the disbelievers in such an environment, where they are indulging in every evil and immoral action, we will be guilty and sinful in the sight of Allah Ta‘ala. Furthermore, there is great fear that we, or our children, will be influenced by the environment and will also fall into sin and evil.
Just as Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah) remained fearful and was concerned about passing away with imaan – our concern should be that we pass away in a good condition, with imaan in our hearts and the kalimah on our lips. When going to such sin-infested places, what guarantee do we have that we will not encounter the angel of death there? Many a person went on holiday, to the beach or to some resort, and instead of returning home in a kurta, he returned in his kafan.
During this perilous period if we feel tempted to go to any evil place, we must bear one verse of the Quraan Majeed in mind – “Does man not know that Allah Ta‘ala sees? (i.e. Allah Ta‘ala sees him and everything he does at all times)” (Surah ‘Alaq v14)
Ask ourselves, “Will Allah Ta‘ala be pleased to see me in such an environment, in the midst of such people? Will I be pleased to pass away and breath my last in this place?”
If the answer is no, then let us not set foot near such a place. It should not be that for a few moments of pleasure in this world, we jeopardise our Jannah.