(A German Woman who Embraced Islam in America – Part Two)
This woman then travelled to Pakistan, where she learned to recite the Quraan Majeed and studied the fundamentals of Islam. After gaining the necessary knowledge of Deen, the people advised her to settle down and get married in Pakistan. However, she declined saying, “There are many women here (in Pakistan) who can read the Quraan Majeed and serve Deen. However, in America, the Deen of Allah Ta‘ala has truly become an orphan (i.e. the level of Deen is very low). There is no one, particularly among the women, to teach the Quraan Majeed there (in America). Therefore, I will return to America and get married there so that I will be able to live there and serve the Quraan Majeed and spend my life serving Deen.” Accordingly, she returned to America.
When she had expressed this desire, the people told her that it would be extremely challenging to find a religious spouse in America. However, she replied, “Whether it is difficult or easy, I will only marry a pious man. There is no shortfall in the treasures of my Rabb. The Muslims have taught me to perform salaah and beseech Allah Ta‘ala. Thus, I will beg Allah Ta‘ala.” Hence, she persisted in supplicating to Allah Ta‘ala for a righteous husband.
Meanwhile, there was an African American Muslim who travelled to India and Pakistan (for the purpose of tableegh). He was deeply inspired by the effort of the tableegh jamaat, and also spent i’tikaaf there. He thus resolved to dedicate his life to this noble endeavour and make it the objective of his life. Just like the German woman, he too decided to return to America and marry a pious spouse. Therefore, he was also begging Allah Ta‘ala for a pious wife.
It so happened that both of them were living in New York City, and somehow, they were informed of each other. When the woman was told about him, her question was regarding his level of Deen. When she was informed of his piety and involvement in the effort of tableegh, she was willing to accept him as her spouse. However, her relatives were not keen on her marrying him since he was of African descent. The colours of Islam had truly rubbed off onto this woman and hence she responded, “Even if he is of African descent, as long as he is pious, on the Day of Qiyaamah his face will be radiant and bright.”
Subsequently, they got married and she even began teaching the Quraan Majeed to other women, as had been her desire.
(Mithaali Khawaateen pg. 276)
(to be continued)
1. The German woman’s brave decision to return to America, despite being offered a comfortable life in Pakistan, highlights the importance of understanding Deeni priorities and giving preference to them. She recognized the great need for teaching the Quraan Majeed in America and selflessly chose to dedicate her life to make effort for Deen in that challenging environment. Understanding such challenges for Deen is much more pleasing to Allah Ta‘ala and more rewarding in the Aakhirah.
2. Choosing a partner who shares one’s commitment to Deen is a crucial decision that can have a profound impact on one’s Deeni as well as worldly future. Understanding this reality lead this fair-skinned German woman to even marry a dark-skinned African man merely on the basis of his piety and Deeni commitment. She was convinced that happiness and prosperity does not lie in the fairness of the skin, rather it is based on the brightness (noor) of the heart.
3. When a person is sincere, makes du‘aa as well as makes the correct effort, Allah Ta‘ala will definitely assist him in his endeavours and make a way out for him, no matter how difficult or complicated the situation may seem. This applies to every aspect of our lives, including finding a suitable partner. Therefore, one should not become despondent if things do not seem to be materializing. Rather, one must continue making du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala, and He will definitely assist one as He is the Best of planners. In this incident, this woman was sincere in her desire of marrying a pious person and vice versa, despite the difficulty of finding one, and despite what negative things people said. Moreover, they continued making du‘aa, whilst having full trust and conviction in Allah Ta‘ala, until eventually, Allah Ta‘ala made the perfect match.