(A German Woman who Embraced Islam in America – Part Three)
Sometime after their marriage, this woman travelled with her husband to India in the path of Allah Ta‘ala (in the effort of the tableegh jamaat). While there, they were requested to make effort in Aligarh University. The university students and teachers alike were quite modern-minded and Westernized. Hence, when they learned that a white American woman would be addressing the female students, they all attended, dressed very fashionably in Western-style clothing, thinking that they would impress her.
When all these women had gathered, this woman entered, covered in her hijaab. She addressed them with great wisdom, stressing on the importance of imaan and conviction in Allah Ta‘ala, and reminded them of the Day of Qiyaamah and the subsequent abodes of Jannah or Jahannam.
She initially spoke in a much softer tone and approach and gradually adopted a firmer tone. She then asked the audience, “You are women who believe in Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), yet who are you imitating? This lifestyle which you have adopted was initially our lifestyle which we had spat out, and you are (now) licking our spit. This lifestyle of yours is actually our spit which we have abandoned and adopted the lifestyle of Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).”
She spoke with such fervour and emotion that it had a very positive effect on the audience. The impact was such that the students as well as the teachers took the scarves that were hanging around their necks and placed them on their heads. She then took a pledge from them that they will be punctual on their salaah, recitation of the Quraan Majeed and tasbeehaat. As a result of this, these women became punctual on the recitation of Quraan Majeed and tasbeehaat even in the environment of the university. Furthermore, when the holidays arrived, they requested their brothers and fathers to accompany them in jamaat as they will not be able to go without a mahram. In fact, many people were shocked at how the women, in whom they had lost all hope, had now completely changed their lives.
(Mithaali Khawaateen pg. 277)
1. If one truly claims to love Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), then this love must be translated into obedience to his teachings and way of life. Obedience is not merely a verbal affirmation, but a demonstration of one’s commitment to emulating his example in every aspect of life. This will involve abandoning the corrupt culture of the West and adopting the culture of Islam with all its values and practices.
2. The story highlights a crucial lesson about the fallacy of blindly imitating Western culture. The American woman’s experience serves as a testament that Western societies, despite their material advancements, have not found true happiness or fulfilment. In fact, many have abandoned their own values and lifestyles, only to see others adopt them. This emphasizes the importance of following the lifestyle of Islam, which alone provides the guidance and principles necessary for attaining true peace, happiness, and success in this life and the Hereafter.